U3ADenia - Genealogy


Email genealogy@u3adenia.com 
Group leader:  Peter Couch
Meetings:  Monday
Time:  15.00 to 17:00 Second Monday of the Month
Venue:  Republic Lounge on Dénia Marina


The aim of the group is to help you start discovering those long lost ancestors and learn more about their lives. You will learn how to do the ground work and start a family tree, search records and more. The ultimate goal is to produce documents that could be of interest to future generations. A laptop computer, iPhone or iPad will be required for this group.

The group meets at Republic Lounge , Dénia Marina every SECOND MONDAY of the month between 3-5 pm and dates of meeting will be sent out on email to all members, and we currently have about 40 members, but at the moment no more than 10 are in regular attendance.
There is 10€ one off joining fee and a1 € fee for each meeting you attend, which helps to pay for our membership of World Wide Ancestry. You will be given time table slots for this with a password and user name.
At the meetings you will receive tuition on starting your family tree and help if you get stuck.
Contact me on genealogy@u3adenia.com or phone 865810851.
Alternate Email addresses: viviencouch@yahoo.co.uk, peter_couch@sky.com