U3A Dénia Home page

The purpose of the U3A is to encourage life-long learning and enable people who are no longer in full-time employment to share their knowledge, skills, interests and experiences.

The U3A is open to everyone in the community. No qualifications are necessary, nor any awarded. Why not join U3A Dénia now? We have a range of over thirty specialist groups, ranging from Card playing groups, Backgammon, Mahjong groups, some gym based groups, Petanque, a Quiz group, Genealogy, a Discussion Group and Cycling Groups for members to enjoy.

We also have a fortnightly Drop-In Coffee Morning at the Bar Holandes Errantes. An invite is sent to all members by Email a few days before the event.

Membership subscriptions are due before the end of January, but because of the 90 day rule we are being flexible about renewing subscriptions owing to the difficulties of travel between the UK and Spain.